Living in Wood on levels

Living in the wood on levels:

Most of the houses in Wellington are made of wood, which was a refreshing change for me. When I lived in China, most homes were made of cold brick and concrete. I was constantly surrounded by the high blocks that make up the concrete jungles of China’s booming cities. Here in Wellington, houses become homes with history and character. Each home has a unique personality and gives off a warm feeling. The wood comes to life with its visible age rings and knots.


Wellington’s homes are also unique because they are spread out across the city’s hills, with each home on a different level. I hope Wellington continues to cherish and maintain their unique style of homes, rather than building town blocks which all have the same face.Bluemoon-(1-of-1-Smaller)

Haiying-Start-To-Finish (333 of 384)Haiying-Start-To-Finish (329 of 384)From Haiying Shi 史海瑛

Founder of Sea Eagle Consulting
